
Would you like to try rock climbing?

...carefully working your way, spider-like, up the side of a cliff?

...or zipping down a rope, rappelling, like you see in the movies?

• Are you nervous about learning safely?

• Does the cost of equipment stop you?

• Are indoor climbing walls, next to a bunch of other people, not  your idea of fun?

I can show you a non-scary way to safely start climbing, with minimal equipment, and you’ll be outdoors, in the fresh air, on real rock.

How we would approach your practice

You don't need to know a thousand knots. In the course of one sitting, I can show you three:

—and these will serve 99% of your needs.

We'll start on rocks not much taller than ourselves. I’ll guide your practice of:

From there, many other options are possible:

—You can further hone your climbing skills.

—You can delve deeper into the use of equipment.

It’s your call!

Arrange a session

Let’s connect by email to discuss your interest and schedule a first session. If you like the workshop and want to do more, we’ll plan out a schedule for subsequent sessions.

Payments can be made via Zelle in advance, or in cash when we meet. Sessions are $80/hour. Cancellations with three days’ notice are free.

My background

In 8th grade, after seeing some spy movie where the hero rappelled down the side of a building, I said I wished I knew how to do that.

It then came to light that my father, who was in the Army, had been a climbing instructor. A remarkable and, for me, very convenient coincidence! His services were immediately commandeered.

He showed me how to rappel and then endlessly belayed me while I practiced climbing.

I learned the old-school use of pitons, and saw how chocks came into vogue as people began to realize the damage pitons were doing to the rock; I saw the shift in the use of rope from braided goldline to today's kernmantle construction; and I observed a number of other interesting advancements over the years in footwear and other equipment.

However much gear I collected, I would still sometimes go out with only a rope, some seat slings, and a few carabiners. It's nice to enjoy climbing (and still be safe!) with just the basics.

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